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11/13/2009, Russia - "Bill to abolish the "summer" time submitted to the Duma ",

Draft bill "Russia transition to the Standard Time" was introduced to the State Duma.

This Bill proposes to abolish the "Summer" time (daylight saving Time) in Russia.

11/13/2009, Russia - "В Госдуму внесен проект закона об отмене летнего времени",

В Государственную Думу внесен законопроект об отмене перехода на летнее время. Документ озаглавлен "О переходе РФ к поясному времени". Автором законодательной инициативы стал депутат от фракции "Единая Россия" Василий Захарьящев.

Законопроект был внесен на следующий день после того, как, выступая перед Федеральным собранием, Дмитрий Медведев, высказал сомнение в эффективности перехода на зимнее и летнее время.

11/12/2009, Russia - "Medvedev proposes cutting number of time zones in Russia",
RIA Novosti (Russian Information Agency Novosti)

Medvedev proposes cutting number of time zones in Russia

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed on Thursday to consider cutting the number of time zones in the country, which spans 11 time zones.

During his state-of-the-nation address to Russia's parliament he also suggested discussing the use of daylight saving time and standard time.

"All the advantages of economizing and evident inconveniences in changing time are necessary to assess. I hope experts will give us objective answers to these questions," the Russian president said.

Russia was divided into 11 time zones in 1919. The Soviet Union adopted the system in 1924.

The country changes to daylight saving time starting from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October.

Last July, the industrial policy committee at the Federation Council, the upper house of Russia's parliament, proposed abolishing daylight saving time over adverse health effects.

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