04 September 2012, Samoa, Apia - "Public Notice of Daylight Saving", Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Labour
See Oceania Time Zone Map with current time
"Samoa Observer" staff posing
with WorldTimeZone.com sarong - kanga.
Photo © Alexander Krivenyshev, WorldTimeZone.com

Public Notice of Daylight Saving
Pursuant to the Daylight Saving Act 2009, and Cabinet's decision and Head of State's Declaration, businesses and the general public are hereby advised that the Daylight Saving Time commences on Sunday 30th September 2012 and ends on Sunday 7th of April 2013.
The public is therefore advised that when the standard time strikes the hour of three in the morning (3.00am) on the 30th September 2012, then all instruments used to measure standard time are to be adjusted/changed forward to one hour, or four o'clock (4:00am).
Faasilasilaga mo le Fetu'unaiga o Taimi
E tusa ai ma le Tulafono o le Fetu'unaiga o Taimi i le Ao 2009, le faaiuga a le Kapeneta ma le faamaoniga a le Ao o le Malo, e faasilasila atu i pisinisi ma tagata uma, o le a amata faamamaluina le fetu'unaiga o taimi i le ao mai le Aso Sa, 30 o Setema 2012 ma toe suia ai i le Aso Sa, 7 Aperila 2013.
O lea e fautuaina ai le mamalu o le atunuu, a t? le tolu (3:00am) i le vaveao o le Aso Sa 30 Setema 2012, ona sui lea i luma a outou taimi i le itula fa (4:00am).
Auelua Taito Samuelu Enari
Chief Executive Officer
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