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Current local time around the world

Afghanistan -  Kabul  Tue, 08:18
Algeria -  Algiers  Tue, 04:48
Argentina -  Buenos Aires  Tue, 00:48
Australia -  Adelaide  Tue, 14:18dst
Australia -  Brisbane  Tue, 13:48
Australia -  Canberra  Tue, 14:48dst
Australia -  Darwin  Tue, 13:18
Australia -  Lord Howe Island  Tue, 14:48dst
Australia -  Melbourne  Tue, 14:48dst
Australia -  Perth  Tue, 11:48
Australia -  Sydney  Tue, 14:48dst
Austria -  Vienna  Tue, 04:48
The Bahamas -  Nassau  Mon, 22:48
Bangladesh -  Dhaka  Tue, 09:48
Belarus -  Minsk  Tue, 06:48
Belgium -  Brussels  Tue, 04:48
Bolivia -  La Paz  Mon, 23:48
Brazil -  Brasilia  Tue, 00:48
Brazil -  Rio de Janeiro  Tue, 00:48
Brazil -  Sao Paulo  Tue, 00:48
Bulgaria -  Sofia  Tue, 05:48
Burma -  Pyinmana  Tue, 10:18
Burma -  Yangon  Tue, 10:18
Canada -  Edmonton  Mon, 20:48
Canada -  Halifax  Mon, 23:48
Canada -  Montreal  Mon, 22:48
Canada -  Ottawa  Mon, 22:48
Canada -  St. John's  Tue, 00:18
Canada -  Toronto  Mon, 22:48
Canada -  Vancouver  Mon, 19:48
Canada -  Winnipeg  Mon, 21:48
Chile -  Santiago  Tue, 00:48dst
China -  Beijing  Tue, 11:48
China -  Shanghai  Tue, 11:48
Colombia -  Bogota  Mon, 22:48
Croatia -  Zagreb  Tue, 04:48
Cuba -  Havana  Mon, 22:48
Czech Republic -  Prague  Tue, 04:48
Denmark -  Copenhagen  Tue, 04:48
Dominican Republic -  Santo Domingo  Mon, 23:48
Egypt -  Cairo  Tue, 05:48
El Salvador -  San Salvador  Mon, 21:48
Eritrea -  Asmara  Tue, 06:48
Estonia -  Tallinn  Tue, 05:48
Ethiopia -  Addis Ababa  Tue, 06:48
Fiji -  Suva  Tue, 15:48
Finland -  Helsinki  Tue, 05:48
France -  Paris  Tue, 04:48
Germany -  Berlin  Tue, 04:48
Germany -  Frankfurt  Tue, 04:48
Greece -  Athens  Tue, 05:48
Guatemala -  Guatemala  Mon, 21:48
Honduras -  Tegucigalpa  Mon, 21:48
Hong Kong (SAR) -  Hong Kong  Tue, 11:48
Hungary -  Budapest  Tue, 04:48
Iceland -  Reykjavík  Tue, 03:48
India -  Calcutta  Tue, 09:18
India -  Mumbai  Tue, 09:18
India -  New Delhi  Tue, 09:18
Indonesia -  Jakarta  Tue, 10:48
Iran -  Tehran  Tue, 07:18
Iraq -  Baghdad  Tue, 06:48
Ireland -  Dublin  Tue, 03:48
Israel -  Jerusalem  Tue, 05:48
Italy -  Rome  Tue, 04:48
Jamaica -  Kingston  Mon, 22:48
Japan -  Tokyo  Tue, 12:48
Jordan -  Amman  Tue, 06:48dst
Kazakhstan -  Astana  Tue, 08:48
Kenya -  Nairobi  Tue, 06:48
Korea, South Korea -  Seoul  Tue, 12:48
Kuwait -  Kuwait  Tue, 06:48
Lebanon -  Beirut  Tue, 05:48
Madagascar -  Antananarivo  Tue, 06:48
Malaysia -  Kuala Lumpur  Tue, 11:48
Mexico -  Mexico  Mon, 21:48
Morocco -  Casablanca  Tue, 03:48
Nepal -  Kathmandu  Tue, 09:33
Netherlands -  Amsterdam  Tue, 04:48
New Zealand -  Waitangi (Chatham isl.)  Tue, 17:33dst
New Zealand -  Wellington  Tue, 16:48dst
Nicaragua -  Managua  Mon, 21:48
Nigeria -  Lagos  Tue, 04:48
Norway -  Oslo  Tue, 04:48
Pakistan -  Islamabad  Tue, 08:48
Pakistan -  Karachi  Tue, 08:48
Pakistan -  Lahore  Tue, 08:48
Paraguay -  Asuncion  Tue, 00:48dst
Peru -  Lima  Mon, 22:48
Philippines -  Manila  Tue, 11:48
Poland -  Warsaw  Tue, 04:48
Portugal -  Lisbon  Tue, 03:48
Puerto Rico -  San Juan  Mon, 23:48
Romania -  Bucharest  Tue, 05:48
Russia -  Chita  Tue, 12:48
Russia -  Irkutsk  Tue, 11:48
Russia -  Kaliningrad  Tue, 05:48
Russia -  Khabarovsk  Tue, 13:48
Russia -  Krasnoyarsk  Tue, 10:48
Russia -  Magadan  Tue, 14:48
Russia -  Moscow  Tue, 06:48
Russia -  Novosibirsk  Tue, 10:48
Russia -  Saint Petersburg  Tue, 06:48
Russia -  Vladivostok  Tue, 13:48
Russia -  Yekaterinburg  Tue, 08:48
Saudi Arabia -  Riyadh  Tue, 06:48
Montenegro -  Cetinje  Tue, 04:48
Montenegro -  Podgorica  Tue, 04:48
Serbia -  Belgrade  Tue, 04:48
Singapore -  Singapore  Tue, 11:48
South Africa -  Cape Town  Tue, 05:48
South Africa -  Johannesburg  Tue, 05:48
Spain -  Barcelona  Tue, 04:48
Spain -  Madrid  Tue, 04:48
Sudan (North Sudan) -  Khartoum  Tue, 05:48
Sweden -  Stockholm  Tue, 04:48
Switzerland -  Geneva  Tue, 04:48
Switzerland -  Zurich  Tue, 04:48
Taiwan -  Taipei  Tue, 11:48
Thailand -  Bangkok  Tue, 10:48
Turkiye -  Ankara  Tue, 06:48
Turkiye -  Istanbul  Tue, 06:48
Ukraine -  Kyiv  Tue, 05:48
United Arab Emirates -  Abu Dhabi  Tue, 07:48
United Kingdom -  London  Tue, 03:48
United States -  Anchorage  Mon, 18:48
United States -  Atlanta  Mon, 22:48
United States -  Boston  Mon, 22:48
United States -  Chicago  Mon, 21:48
United States -  Denver  Mon, 20:48
United States -  Detroit  Mon, 22:48
United States -  Honolulu  Mon, 17:48
United States -  Houston  Mon, 21:48
United States -  Indianapolis  Mon, 22:48
United States -  Los Angeles  Mon, 19:48
United States -  Minneapolis  Mon, 21:48
United States -  Montgomery  Mon, 21:48
United States -  New Orleans  Mon, 21:48
United States -  New York  Mon, 22:48
United States -  Philadelphia  Mon, 22:48
United States -  Phoenix  Mon, 20:48
United States -  Saint Paul  Mon, 21:48
United States -  San Francisco  Mon, 19:48
United States -  Seattle  Mon, 19:48
United States -  Washington D.C.  Mon, 22:48
Uruguay -  Montevideo  Tue, 00:48
Uzbekistan -  Tashkent  Tue, 08:48
Venezuela -  Caracas  Mon, 23:48
Vietnam -  Hanoi  Tue, 10:48
Zimbabwe -  Harare  Tue, 05:48
South Sudan -  Juba  Tue, 05:48

   Guestbook Entries of the Week    VIEW OLD GUESTBOOK

Hickam AFB passenger terminal has two overhead flat screen monitors, your sun clock and their arrival/departure. I was stranded there for two days and was in awe at the accuaracy of your site. I retrived your site now to plan communications with contacts in Japan. I Thank You!
Gary C.
Fort Myers, Florida

I am a travel specialist of Expedia and I always pull this site up for time references. The site for sure is really helpful to all sorts. I often let my mates use this site when working. Gotta use this site again.
Bobby E.
Davao City, Philippines

At one glance I had my answer. I'm receiving webinar times (time to attend the class). I couldn't understand and workout the time. Thank you. At a quick glance I have my answer and need not be absent at any webinar. Hooray!
Cape Town, South Africa

This site is amazing and really helps me to communicate with all my customers and people all across the globe for all my personal as well as official matters. Thank You World Time Zone. You Have Helped People To Be In Contact Everytime & Everywhere...!!!
Ashish S.
Kolkata, India

This is a great website to show to my clients who travel to Europe and beyond. Thank you !
Prakash K.
Thimphu, Bhutan


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